The movie follows the story of Sarah Jones, a small-town librarian, and David Carter, a star quarterback for the Chiefs. Sarah is a lifelong Chiefs fan who dreams of meeting her beloved players. When David visits her library, sparks fly instantly, leading to an unexpected love story.
Hallmark icon Lacey Chabert ("The Wedding Veil" series) will play Sarah, while Chiefs star quarterback Patrick Mahomes II will make a special appearance as himself.
The Chiefs' involvement in the movie goes beyond a cameo appearance. The team has granted exclusive access to its facilities, including Arrowhead Stadium, for filming. The movie will showcase the vibrant atmosphere of a Chiefs game and the team's camaraderie on and off the field.
"We are thrilled to be a part of this special project with Hallmark," said Chiefs President Mark Donovan. "Our team is excited to share our passion for football and the Kansas City community with the world."
Hallmark's "Countdown to Christmas" has become an annual tradition for millions of viewers. The channel produces dozens of heartwarming holiday movies each year, providing a festive escape for viewers during the busy holiday season.
"We couldn't be more excited to add 'Love Story' to our Christmas movie lineup," said Hallmark Channel President Bill Abbott. "The combination of a timeless love story, the magic of the holidays, and the star power of Lacey Chabert and Patrick Mahomes II will make this a memorable film for our viewers."
Filming for "Love Story" is currently underway in Kansas City, Missouri. The movie is expected to premiere on Hallmark Channel in November 2023.